Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Real Loser

I used to look like this...

But due to fortunate circumstances...

We shouldn't judge people based on their physical appearance, which apparently includes size. :)

Yep, that's me. Thanks to FatBooth & to my friend's brilliant idea- she convinced me to have my photo taken and I happily did it not knowing that it would turn out this way.

------------------------------------------------END of POST--------------------------------------sort of.

*The problem.My problem. I have unfortunately been one of those people who easily and randomly criticize people the first time I see them. I do it to make those who are with me laugh; and in doing so, I take away what's left of someone else's smile only to be thrown away.

And it's something a human being must never do: it's like creating a perfect self-image for someone else, make it a standard for almost everything and look down on those who can hardly make it to the cut-off. Through such, one is taking away a piece of another else's confidence- that he was created in God's image and that he is an individual- planned and molded by God. A masterpiece in his own way with the grace & love of God.

There has been a saying, "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" but in some ways others have incorporated the principle "What is unpleasant will always stay that way no matter how many times you change perspectives."

Others have labeled that being fat is ugly; that white-skinned people are way better than dark ones (just because their bodies happen to produce lesser melanin); that blondes are dumb while chink-eyed people are geniuses.

We've all had our own prejudices; we've stereotyped people; judged them and judged them wrongly. We've butchered other people with our thoughts, our actions and our words. And mostly we've done these things to make our selves feel good. Or is it not?

No matter what others' actions in the past might have been, I can never be sure of the reason. 

I have the right to think of a number of probabilities to have caused it. At some point I am very much inclined to thinking and seconds after that, saying that what one did is wrong or that the other was way better.

*The Reminder. BUT I have been reminded that I should always think that in whatever I do or say or even think (everything), I must glorify God. Once I've glorified Him, I know I'm never a loser. It doesn't matter whether I have to break myself, start all over again while struggling all the way.

Besides in the end, the biggest loser wouldn't be the one who has broken himself [because God is the Potter willing to mold the person to become whole again]. The REAL loser would be the one who knows that he is breaking himself and those around him yet continues to do so all the while refusing God to fix him.

*an epic 
i-cant-totally-get-this .gif 
for a totally
 i-cant-totally-get-this post*

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cloud NINE

(front:L-R) Jam.Ginnique.Marian.Mik.Mira.
(back:L-R) Fay.Geneva.Cha.Kath.

Well, it was fun.
Friday night

the nursecissm was simply great.
the seniors totally rocked the night.
so did the sophie's performance.

i know i haven't helped a lot with the presentation.
but i can't help but be happy while watching them perform.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A day wasted. Sort of.

It was the Saturday where we'll be having our temple and I woke up at 7 am.
I totally rushed things and ended up boarding the wrong bus.

That day was a crappy one; and I was wearing my it-floods-when-I-wear-this shoes.
It was one thing to visit the different temples around the Manila area, 
to feel pissed off the entire day was another thing.

Good thing the biscocho my mother had brought me days before tastes awe-some...
I never had any idea that a biscocho could taste that good.

The first temple we visited was the Taoist temple. I was very much 
surprised to see a statue of Jesus standing side by side their other idols.
This was taken inside the bus; we were actually living THE LIFE OF a PIg.
These were the guardians of the temple (though I don't recall seeing such statues).
The 25-foot golden Buddha statue. 
Why take a shot of a statue when we have a real-life Buddha with us on tour
Peace Brylle.
Amie started the joke, not me.

The temples we were able to visit were:
:: the Taoist temple where they had three major statues representing their own version of the Trinity
and to my surprise they're actually keeping a statue of Jesus 
(or what he was supposed to look like as a human)
:: the Blue Mosque in Maharlika village where we were made to wear scarfs over our heads 
(mine was really itchy)
:: the Buddhist temple with the 25-foot golden buddha and some drawings on the ceiling which reminded me of the scary illustrations on the book 'Best-loved Stories from Thailand' 
(the illustrations totally gave me a nightmare when I was  a kid)
:: the Sikh temple where an Indian guru delivered a speech/sermon in a heavy accent (and the only word I understood was dollar & I just kept saying 'All is well, all is well' to keep myself from lying on the soft mat) and they had the most beautiful statues. Most of them were women statues if not animals. 

+credits to Mira Manayon and Jam Constantino for the photos.+

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Second assignment. First day. I met my patient. I wanted to run away. I was honestly scared to touch him in case I might do him harrrrm.

I wasn't able to take the early morning vital signs; I totally forgot a lot of questions necessary to complete the NHH. I asked the patient totally idiotic questions (by that I mean repeating my questions) and mixing all of the tagalog words that I ended up mumbling.

Finally felt the 'real' exhaustion someone gets during duty time. I just spent 2 hours doing the supposedly interventions with the patient while having the urge to run away and never return. I felt like a total idiot.

This is my life. Now I'm going to eat then sleep. Like a pig!

And later, we're having our second microbio unknown exam. Acid-fast staining. I hope everything will go fine. Please. Just that one. D:

Yesterday, a friend gave me a really wonderful book as a birthday gift. (Rather a gift for my supposed birthday).

me -_______-

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Craaaazy Post

August 31, 12:30 am. I totally got tired of reading all those microbiology eBooks 
that I decided to play around with YouCam. 
After seeing all the craaaazy shots of myself with that on-screen (literally) nursing cap,
I came to the conclusion that I indeed make a crazy nurse. XD

Good thing our school doesn't make us wear that cap. Oh yeah.

I survived my first day duty in PGH wearing a wrong belt (which no one noticed) and with my hair flying in all directions at the end of the day. It was sooo weird because my patient had ______ and while I was taking her pulse rate she suddenly had _______. 

Okay, I didn't tell anyone. 
I protected my patient's privacy. 
/-______- \