Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Real Loser

I used to look like this...

But due to fortunate circumstances...

We shouldn't judge people based on their physical appearance, which apparently includes size. :)

Yep, that's me. Thanks to FatBooth & to my friend's brilliant idea- she convinced me to have my photo taken and I happily did it not knowing that it would turn out this way.

------------------------------------------------END of POST--------------------------------------sort of.

*The problem.My problem. I have unfortunately been one of those people who easily and randomly criticize people the first time I see them. I do it to make those who are with me laugh; and in doing so, I take away what's left of someone else's smile only to be thrown away.

And it's something a human being must never do: it's like creating a perfect self-image for someone else, make it a standard for almost everything and look down on those who can hardly make it to the cut-off. Through such, one is taking away a piece of another else's confidence- that he was created in God's image and that he is an individual- planned and molded by God. A masterpiece in his own way with the grace & love of God.

There has been a saying, "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" but in some ways others have incorporated the principle "What is unpleasant will always stay that way no matter how many times you change perspectives."

Others have labeled that being fat is ugly; that white-skinned people are way better than dark ones (just because their bodies happen to produce lesser melanin); that blondes are dumb while chink-eyed people are geniuses.

We've all had our own prejudices; we've stereotyped people; judged them and judged them wrongly. We've butchered other people with our thoughts, our actions and our words. And mostly we've done these things to make our selves feel good. Or is it not?

No matter what others' actions in the past might have been, I can never be sure of the reason. 

I have the right to think of a number of probabilities to have caused it. At some point I am very much inclined to thinking and seconds after that, saying that what one did is wrong or that the other was way better.

*The Reminder. BUT I have been reminded that I should always think that in whatever I do or say or even think (everything), I must glorify God. Once I've glorified Him, I know I'm never a loser. It doesn't matter whether I have to break myself, start all over again while struggling all the way.

Besides in the end, the biggest loser wouldn't be the one who has broken himself [because God is the Potter willing to mold the person to become whole again]. The REAL loser would be the one who knows that he is breaking himself and those around him yet continues to do so all the while refusing God to fix him.

*an epic 
i-cant-totally-get-this .gif 
for a totally
 i-cant-totally-get-this post*


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