Friday, December 9, 2011

PreChristmas Blessings from God. Already.

It’s almost December 14. I’m going to miss our possible film viewing in Humanities 1, I’ll be absent on our Pharmacology class leaving me to do a self-study on Anesthesia but- I’m going home earlier than my ‘other’ classmates. [note: OTHER classmates- classmates who’ll be riding on the plane to get home].

I’m excited to go home primarily because it’s home. AND some ‘other’ reasons:

#2. I have two Libera CDs waiting for me! And they’re not just Libera CDs since they’re only available online nowadays.

#3. We finally got a bike! Yea~ my dream of cycling across the province might just come true this Christmas break.

#4. I got five pairs of shoes. That’s the most number of pairs I’ll be getting at once in my whole life. AND they’re all flats. [last line: I hope so.]

#5. SKC camp. The SKC camp brings back a lot of childish yet good memories.

SUPER thanks to Tita Nemy. Without her, I wouldn’t have reasons 2 and 4. [SUPER- may kapa at lumilipad. –Bob Ong]

And to the Canadian missionaries who gave us 2 bikes. Red was so happy to have the smaller one. I bet my brother and I would be fighting over the other one when I get home.

lots of water and vegetables+
swimming on the beach+
very fresh air
(no mangoes and avocados yet)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

5th of Part 1

Manang Ai-ai. She was our cousin who stayed at home during one of her summer vacations and she used the simplest but traumatic way of keeping us inside the house. She would just say that something's waiting for us outside the door: either the ido buang (rabid dog) or worst x10 , Maria Labo.

From that moment on, every time we go outside and play, we would just suddenly think of ways on how to escape from a rabid dog. It's either that we run very fast or climb up a tree.
Believe me, I grew out of the Maria Labo thing but never of the rabid dog. Up until in high school I would just suddenly practice climbing short jackfruit trees in case an ido buang suddenly shows up. I got over it afterwards, when I proved to myself that rabid dogs are actually scared of water.
Manang Ai-ai's The classic... "Na hala, sige, ara da si ano sa guwa ay..."
[note: Maria Labo, for the Visayan people, was a fictional (?) character made popular by various invalid firsthand testimonies over the radio. She was said to be an aswang who ate her own children leading her husband into cutting her across the face with a binangon (tagalog bolo). She had been arrested and was put into prison but was released moments later after disguising herself as a child and in some accounts, she escaped by transforming into a lizard. She was said to roam around the Visayas and Mindanao area looking for potential victims especially children lurking outside late in the day. AND in our case, children refusing to take a nap in the afternoon.]
END OF PART 1. All part 1 posts created on Nov. 12, 2011

4th of Part 1

the other people. 

Nene. Not so much. She just threatens to leave us (She's been practically our taga-alaga alongside Nanay). She would padlock the house so that we would sleep during the afternoons. And as if it weren't enough, she would chain the bike as well. The bike---the main reason why we want to go out. It had been so for almost 4 years.
Nene: "Baya-an ta kamo da karon." [emphasis on baya-an.]
[note: my Tita Nene. Most of us , her siblings, nephews and nieces, call her that way. Nene which might either mean a little girl/boy had been her nickname ever since; up until now that she's on her mid 60's.]

3rd of Part 1

the actions of discipline at home.
the parents.

Tatay. My brother and I had been hit by a number of things already ranging from the traditional leather belt (where our parents make us fetch ourselves), its metal buckle as well, the walis tingting not in bundles but in two's or three's (it's stingy), the piece of kawayan which was already cut to be a part of the flooring (inugsalog nga kawayan), the hanger which eventually ends up broken once it touches our hard butts and the luwagThe luwag is our alternative sud-an; it usually comes into action whenever we refuse to eat what's on our plates. It's either that or the liwit (the eel or *drumroll* the belt!).

The things listed above where those my brother and I shared. I, on the other hand, got more than that. Tatay once slapped my right face with a slipper because I said the G-word. We were never allowed to say that at home, at school, anywhere. And my brother and I would say them not to express our anger (if we ever know what expressing our anger means) but rather to anger our parents. We really know how to make the blood rush to their heads. One word is all it takes. The G-word is the push button.
Tatay's line: "Luwagon ta ka karon."
Nanay. Nanay, as I've said earlier, rarely uses the belt or the hitting method in general. She has this handy weapon in her--- her hands! She would pinch really thin portions of our skin and turn it until just a little less than 360 degrees
- and she knows we would all wish we never did whatever we did wrong in the first place.
Her target spots are either our legs or on 'that small portion I now know as the region just a little above the Tail of Spence." The second region, we dubbed as the one that "makes you grow taller". Why so? Every time she does the pinch on that part, there would always be an accompanying upward pull and thus, we are forced to stand tiptoe just so we could at least lessen the pain.
It was Nanay who had me and my brother ate green chili peppers because we said bad words. Those where the same chili peppers we grew near our house and which we fetched and ate ourselves, all under her command of course.

Nanay's line: "Gusto mo naman malubagan ay?"

2nd of Part 1

Are mothers supposed to be more kuripot than fathers?
Where Tatay would buy us rolls of 1 whole, 1/2 crosswise & lengthwise and 1/4 pads, Nanay would buy as a roll of 1 whole paper and tell us to "just cut them at school since it still is the same paper."
Where Tatay would give us 20 pesos a day during our elementary days, Nanay would send us to school with two, five, or luckily ten pesos in our pockets. I remember that time when Nanay gave me two pesos for my afternoon baon. I was rushing to school since I'm about too be late. Seeing those two 'Rizal-headed' coins proudly staring back at me got me really so mad that I threw it right back at my mother. Up until now, I really felt bad about that time. She got so angry at me that she gave me one of her trademark actions of discipline. She pinched a thin portion of the foreskin on my leg and turned it 270 degrees. And I tell you it really hurts; my blue skirt did nothing to lessen the force she exerted on doing that 'motherly pinching'.

1st of Part 1

...these are actually random musings on how I remember my childhood, the people in the home I came to know (or the people I came to know in our home) and the events that happened inside and outside that home....

This is the part where my younger sister, 7 years younger than me to be exact, is still too young to be involved or simply, wasn't yet born...
While most mothers would hum a lullaby or gently pat their kids to sleep, Nanay, on the other hand, would stroke our eyebrows until we (that is, my brother and I) would doze off. I can still remember that feeling until now; I sometime close my eyes as I lay down and stroke my eyebrows gently and once again, feel like I was back in our small house in the province years ago lying on  my Nanay's lap and feeling her soft finger tips tracing my eyebrows.

Though we were taught in our Human Development subject that almost all of the people has this childhood amnesia thing where they cannot remember the things that had happened to them when they were 3 years and younger, there are just some important moments in my toddler years that seem so unforgettable.

I still can remember that feeling of calmness such simple gesture brings up until now. My brother and I would lie near Nanay almost every afternoon. She would tell us to go to sleep but then I would each fake my sleep (I don't know if my brother was doing the same) and just let her continue this short ritual we shared. A bond a mother forms with her children moments before she sends them off to dreamland.
Tatay used to work as a nurse in San Lazaro but later on came back and stayed for good when I was about to start elementary school. So he was never really there when we were starting to learn our first words and taking our first steps. BUT I remember him being there when we first rode our trainer-free bicycle and after that, learning how to ride a scooter we got from our Tita Nemy and then our very own skate shoes.

Tatay would bake donuts, usually chocolate-flavored ones during our birthday and then when we got a waffle maker later on, shifted on making those. Over the years, he started making all sorts of food at home such as pizza, baked milkfish, our favorite pancake and 'combo' etc. I always take pride in tatay's dishes especially when guests would come eat at home.

Nanay had tried a number of times to copy Tatay's dishes and my younger brother, my younger sister and I would make fun of her since it would either be too salty or too bland. She never got angry at us until that one moment when we totally complained on the way she fried the fish (copying Tatay's style). It was way too salty and then we started making fun of it. My mother really turned red (she easily turns red anyway) and she straight away told my siblings and I to just shut up and eat the food.

My Tita's (we call her Nene) cooking is another matter. . She once forgot to put seasonings on the instant noodle she was cooking. My cousins and I were all eating it while complaining that it was sooo tasteless. Just as we were about to finish up the meal, I decided to ask her if she actually put seasonings on the noodles and then it was when she saw the still unopened packets just lying near the gas range. We finished an entire meal of JUST boiled noodles.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Real Loser

I used to look like this...

But due to fortunate circumstances...

We shouldn't judge people based on their physical appearance, which apparently includes size. :)

Yep, that's me. Thanks to FatBooth & to my friend's brilliant idea- she convinced me to have my photo taken and I happily did it not knowing that it would turn out this way.

------------------------------------------------END of POST--------------------------------------sort of.

*The problem.My problem. I have unfortunately been one of those people who easily and randomly criticize people the first time I see them. I do it to make those who are with me laugh; and in doing so, I take away what's left of someone else's smile only to be thrown away.

And it's something a human being must never do: it's like creating a perfect self-image for someone else, make it a standard for almost everything and look down on those who can hardly make it to the cut-off. Through such, one is taking away a piece of another else's confidence- that he was created in God's image and that he is an individual- planned and molded by God. A masterpiece in his own way with the grace & love of God.

There has been a saying, "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" but in some ways others have incorporated the principle "What is unpleasant will always stay that way no matter how many times you change perspectives."

Others have labeled that being fat is ugly; that white-skinned people are way better than dark ones (just because their bodies happen to produce lesser melanin); that blondes are dumb while chink-eyed people are geniuses.

We've all had our own prejudices; we've stereotyped people; judged them and judged them wrongly. We've butchered other people with our thoughts, our actions and our words. And mostly we've done these things to make our selves feel good. Or is it not?

No matter what others' actions in the past might have been, I can never be sure of the reason. 

I have the right to think of a number of probabilities to have caused it. At some point I am very much inclined to thinking and seconds after that, saying that what one did is wrong or that the other was way better.

*The Reminder. BUT I have been reminded that I should always think that in whatever I do or say or even think (everything), I must glorify God. Once I've glorified Him, I know I'm never a loser. It doesn't matter whether I have to break myself, start all over again while struggling all the way.

Besides in the end, the biggest loser wouldn't be the one who has broken himself [because God is the Potter willing to mold the person to become whole again]. The REAL loser would be the one who knows that he is breaking himself and those around him yet continues to do so all the while refusing God to fix him.

*an epic 
i-cant-totally-get-this .gif 
for a totally
 i-cant-totally-get-this post*

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cloud NINE

(front:L-R) Jam.Ginnique.Marian.Mik.Mira.
(back:L-R) Fay.Geneva.Cha.Kath.

Well, it was fun.
Friday night

the nursecissm was simply great.
the seniors totally rocked the night.
so did the sophie's performance.

i know i haven't helped a lot with the presentation.
but i can't help but be happy while watching them perform.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A day wasted. Sort of.

It was the Saturday where we'll be having our temple and I woke up at 7 am.
I totally rushed things and ended up boarding the wrong bus.

That day was a crappy one; and I was wearing my it-floods-when-I-wear-this shoes.
It was one thing to visit the different temples around the Manila area, 
to feel pissed off the entire day was another thing.

Good thing the biscocho my mother had brought me days before tastes awe-some...
I never had any idea that a biscocho could taste that good.

The first temple we visited was the Taoist temple. I was very much 
surprised to see a statue of Jesus standing side by side their other idols.
This was taken inside the bus; we were actually living THE LIFE OF a PIg.
These were the guardians of the temple (though I don't recall seeing such statues).
The 25-foot golden Buddha statue. 
Why take a shot of a statue when we have a real-life Buddha with us on tour
Peace Brylle.
Amie started the joke, not me.

The temples we were able to visit were:
:: the Taoist temple where they had three major statues representing their own version of the Trinity
and to my surprise they're actually keeping a statue of Jesus 
(or what he was supposed to look like as a human)
:: the Blue Mosque in Maharlika village where we were made to wear scarfs over our heads 
(mine was really itchy)
:: the Buddhist temple with the 25-foot golden buddha and some drawings on the ceiling which reminded me of the scary illustrations on the book 'Best-loved Stories from Thailand' 
(the illustrations totally gave me a nightmare when I was  a kid)
:: the Sikh temple where an Indian guru delivered a speech/sermon in a heavy accent (and the only word I understood was dollar & I just kept saying 'All is well, all is well' to keep myself from lying on the soft mat) and they had the most beautiful statues. Most of them were women statues if not animals. 

+credits to Mira Manayon and Jam Constantino for the photos.+

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Second assignment. First day. I met my patient. I wanted to run away. I was honestly scared to touch him in case I might do him harrrrm.

I wasn't able to take the early morning vital signs; I totally forgot a lot of questions necessary to complete the NHH. I asked the patient totally idiotic questions (by that I mean repeating my questions) and mixing all of the tagalog words that I ended up mumbling.

Finally felt the 'real' exhaustion someone gets during duty time. I just spent 2 hours doing the supposedly interventions with the patient while having the urge to run away and never return. I felt like a total idiot.

This is my life. Now I'm going to eat then sleep. Like a pig!

And later, we're having our second microbio unknown exam. Acid-fast staining. I hope everything will go fine. Please. Just that one. D:

Yesterday, a friend gave me a really wonderful book as a birthday gift. (Rather a gift for my supposed birthday).

me -_______-

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Craaaazy Post

August 31, 12:30 am. I totally got tired of reading all those microbiology eBooks 
that I decided to play around with YouCam. 
After seeing all the craaaazy shots of myself with that on-screen (literally) nursing cap,
I came to the conclusion that I indeed make a crazy nurse. XD

Good thing our school doesn't make us wear that cap. Oh yeah.

I survived my first day duty in PGH wearing a wrong belt (which no one noticed) and with my hair flying in all directions at the end of the day. It was sooo weird because my patient had ______ and while I was taking her pulse rate she suddenly had _______. 

Okay, I didn't tell anyone. 
I protected my patient's privacy. 
/-______- \

Monday, August 29, 2011


For that uber-bishie Japanese guy who turned my world uʍop ǝpısdn
Happy 28th birthday!

I have always wanted to sing you a birthday song; too bad, I'm not a good singer. But maybe I'll get to sing you a song someday, when you're sitting right across me on that dinner table, the two of us staring at each other's eyes and... *wakes up...blinks repeatedly then rubs eyes...(whichever comes first)*

[I might be mean, but I just had a good time with all those people who rely mainly on facebook to remind them of their "friend's" birthday. They actually greeted me today-August 30- and I had to like all the posts and thank each of them. ]

Today's a special day and I really, really hope that Matsumoto Jun will be having an epic-ly blastin' day today.
We fans have tried our best to make #J28 a trending topic on twitter.

It's our own way of saying you MatsuJun will always be trending in our fangirl hearts.

When my heart goes doki-doki-doki,
then my throat dries up (-____-)
then my eyes become heart-shaped and start to beat (like that kitty);
because you're standing right next to me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Libera Story

My only wish is to see you guys perform right before my eyes. :)
credits:: original photo (note: I just added the Libera me domine de morte line)

Just lately I received a message both on my FB and Libera360 account informing me that I was the first winner of their Libera Philippine Project contest. The prize? An autographed Libera Peace album

I hope it would arrive really soon since I've already sent them my mailing address.

I've been a fan of Libera since last year-April 2010; but I haven't posted a thing on 'How I came to know them' yet. Uh, I just observed lately that it has been a trend for Libera fans to post articles on how they met the best boys choir in the whole world.

So, here's how I came to know them.

Just before I left for Baguio last year, I went to a CD store with my friends to just randomly look for any interesting albums on sale.We have no plans of buying anything anyway. Then, I was browsing along the Classical section of the store when I saw their album Libera New Dawn. I was very much intrigued to see this small strip of yellow paper which says, "Featuring the song Bayan Ko" and to think that 'that small strip of yellow paper' was posted on a foreign album of who-knows-what. (note: I have no idea who they were back then).

As I was browsing the net after getting back home from Baguio, I decided  to search for them and I realized they had JUST visited the country that month AND they were actually guest performers of Showtime in one of the show's episodes. They sang Bayan Ko perfectly and I had goosebumps while watching the video.

I decided to buy my first Libera album- New Dawn before leaving for college but then ended up buying their 2-disc album Eternal. It was where I heard my very much favorite song Orinoco Flow (though Sanctus is also another favorite since its tune was that of Canon) After that I had New Dawn and Peace. I'm still saving up for their Angels in Concert DVD. And just last month I finally had the courage to ask my aunt abroad to buy me the Peace Deluxe edition. I hope to have it before June 2012 so that I can at least use the 18-month calendar included. >_<

The first time I told my best friend, Aubrey, about Libera I was surprised to know that she had known it years before me. Okay, so she's in a Catholic choir while I've never been a member of any choir before. The nun who's been training them was a 'sort of' avid Libera fan. 

It was also surprising to discover that we both admire Tom Cully among all other members (that was sort of

But all of them are really good at singing. I mean, they're NOT there just for nothing. They're 'The LIBERA'.

Libera all the way~!!! 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Bishounen Addiction

What happens when the anime character you've been crushing on since sixth grade has a bishounen counterpart in real life?

(Thanks a lot to the owner of the tumblr account who edited these awesome pictures.)

+First found out about Bill Kaulitz when I was looking for random bishie guys over the net.

sort of flow chart on how I came to know Bill Kaulitz...

START: looking for random movies to download this summer
---> came across Flipped
--> Met Callan McAuliffe 
--> 'googled' for Callan's pictures and saw a tumblr post of him along with a guy named Eric Saade
-->thinks that Eric Saade is the best teen pop singer and shared it with seatmate
--> seatmate recommended Andrej Pejic in return
--> got overwhelmed with Andrej's bishie-ness; shared it on FB
--> FB friend saw it and recommended Bill Kaulitz 
--> 'googled' Bill Kaulitz and noticed he resembles Athrun Zala
-->came across a tumblr account dedicated to Asucaga
--> told the admin about observation regarding the supposed 'real life' Athrun (using the ask box)
--> admin compared/edited pictures of Bill and Athrun
-->posted it on blogger account (after asking permission BUT admin hadn't replied yet)

Confirm. Then boast about it. You now have made your ultimate anime dream come true.
That is,for your anime crush to be real. <3

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


"Scanning for some random magazines on Booksale, I came across the magazine I've been looking for late last year."
I came there to look for a Nursing Diagnosis handbook. I came out with the thing I've wanted most since I first saw its small icon printed on the last page of NatGeo's Gulf Spill issue.

I finally get to hold my very own copy of NatGeo's special issue Ocean after months of waiting and searching (just when I almost totally forgot about it).

I found this book on the lowest deck in one of our library's bookshelves.
I was actually looking for a Chemistry book to borrow when I got so tired of scanning along those book titles that I suddenly decided to squat on the floor.

Then just like a miracle, about five marine biology books placed neatly together came in sight (right in front of me!). So I borrowed one of the books and totally forgot about the main reason why I came to the library.

"I'm gonna be the very best, like no one ever was."
Until the next Census of Marine Life.
See yah~!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Coat of Arms

Today, we had our first laboratory class in Nursing 10 (Nursing Fundamentals) . I came in really late. I thought the class was supposed to start at 8. I didn't hear the announcement yesterday that we'd be starting at 7:30.

Anyways, when I came in the assigned area, my group mates were busy drawing their coat of arms.

Each of us were required to make one which contains the following:

1. Thing you treasure the most
2. Greatest achievement so far
3. Goal as of the moment
4. The thing you want to be remembered most for

The first one I made was completed in less than twenty minutes. And I think it's messy.

The cross:: God is the one I consider most valuable in my life. Love God and everything else will follow.

The fish:: My goal is to take up marine biology years from now.

That weird-thing-on-the-upper-right-side-is-the-UP-logo :: My greatest achievement so far is being in UP

The droplet and the flame :: I want to be remembered as someone who had done something to save the ocean and as someone who kept burning for God.

After explaining my drawing, our teacher told me that I should ask myself if I'm really happy in taking up Nursing. In some sense, I am. I do not hate this course and I've actually gained a lot of experiences which made me appreciate this path I'm taking. BUT in all honesty, I cannot say I AM very happy with this course.

>> A few minutes ago, I just finished my second work which is actually a revised edition of the first one. I'll be writing my insights below it later on and we'll be passing it tomorrow.

I actually realized I had gold and silver colored pencils so I used them.

I just drew a shell and some seaweeds below instead of that fish thing. The eagle finally learned how to fly and landed on top of the shield which means I only have three symbols left.

I know I suck at drawing AND coloring. I just have to post them to remind me of how I think while I'm 17. I'll be reading this post again years from now and probably when that day comes, if I were asked to draw a coat of arms containing the same things, I might draw the same one but in a much better way or maybe, all the symbols in here will change but I hope the cross would still remain.

Gee~! Why am I always late?!?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sa Lobby ng Dorm

Thank You God for Nanay~!!!
There I was sitting in front of the TV when this dorm mate of mine (whom we usually make fun of) sat right next to me. She then asked me to translate a letter (which was written in Filipino) to English.

At first I was pissed off...But as soon as I read the letter, I found out it was for her mother so I decided to help her out. Here she was trying her best to write a letter to her mom and here I am with no single plan on what to do for Nanay tomorrow. Oh, there's one actually. I'm going to text her "Happy Mother's Day!"

So as soon as I finished translating it, she thanked me and said "I te-text ko 'to sa Mama ko." It was one back-to-back notebook page long. It might consume more than three text messages I told her but she said it's okay.

Guess this reminded me to slow down and be like "the school grader me"; back during the days when I used to make a card for my parents during special days and even during normal ones. It doesn't hurt to be cheesy at times, I think. Especially if it's for them.

So I just felt like doing a haiku:
My life was from hers,
And she lived hers for others,
She is a mother.